Crushed My Strength Work Today
I had another good night’s sleep last night and I’m feeling pretty good today. No tightness at all remains in my side that was a bit angry with me last week. Feeling better is definitely a huge relief for me and I feel I can get aggressive with the weight again.
First up were my front squats at 195 pounds for three sets of five. They weren’t heavy at all but they really did feel great today. They were really solid and I did not feel like I was favoring the non angry side this morning so I went through the sets a little bit faster than I did last time.
Good mornings were next on today’s agenda and these felt really good. I did three sets of ten at 105 pounds. It was supposed be 100 pounds but I mistakenly grabbed the five pound changes plates instead of the two and a half pounders.
Finally I did my pull up EMOM today. For this I did two weighted pull ups for two reps every minute on the minute. The 40 pounds felt pretty good today. Shit, the first 5 or 6 minutes were chest to bar. The rest didn’t really degrade that much. I still got my chin way over the bar with solid form.
Music this morning was Pyrexia