
Fitness and everything else

Deadlifts Felt Great After A Piss Poor Night's Sleep

Last night I slept like utter shit. I fell asleep quickly, but then woke up a little before one o’clock. I got up to go to the bathroom and get my thyroid pill, then just laid there in bed wide awake for the rest of the night. My mind wouldn’t shut down. Not only that, but my stomach was churning a lot. I think that was the main issue with me not being able to go back to sleep. It’s my fault, too. I ate too damn much pizza last night, too late. We got Domino’s, and it was pretty good for that type of pizza. Let’s not fool ourselves. It’s only a small setup from Frozen pizza, but they make it and deliver it.

I was reading through some rust code and studying it last night before going to sleep, and that kept running through my head when I woke up. I really would like to learn Rust and write some programs in it. I was reading through some rust code and studying it last night before going to sleep, and that kept running through my head when I woke up. I really would like to learn Rust and write some programs in it.

Eventually, I just got up and drank my coffee. I worked on a new idea for a template for this site while drinking it. The coffee tasted delicious, but all I kept thinking about was whether I should do my deadlifts today or wait until another day when I had a better night’s sleep. When I thought I’d give them a try, it turned into, “How soon can I do it without being an asshole? When a tractor trailer sat out in front of the houses idling for a school bus (I guess), then a trail laid on the horn going past, I knew it was late enough. I got changed and headed out into the garage.

The first thing that I noticed was that the bar was feeling light with the warm-up sets and that I was moving fairly well. My grip was feeling great too. As I worked my way up through the weights, the lifts continued to feel great. My final set was three plus AMRAP at two hundred and seventy pounds. This weight really felt great today. I stopped for reps, but likely had another couple in the tank.

I was still feeling pretty good after the deadlifts, so I looked for a simple WOD that I could do. It was just rowing and strict presses. I kept the presses at a light pair of twenty-five pound dumbbells and kept the WOD’s intensity a little lower today so I didn’t crash and burn. I just wanted to get a workout in. My thought process is that I figured that if I feel up to it later, I can hop on the bike or do another WOD. After I get a shower and dry off a bit, I am going to lay down and relax on my tablet. Maybe I’ll turn the TV on. I hope I can get a little catnap in. I doubt it since a nap is a few times a year type of thing for me.

Music for the WOD was Nevermore