
Fitness and everything else

Heavy Squats Felt Crushing But Got Them Done

I slept pretty good last night, but I don’t think I slept I enough. I woke up early and had to piss. No matter how much I tried to ignore it, but my body was having none of that. When I gave up trying to go back to sleep, I eventually got up, but then I was wide awake, so I went and got some coffee. From the time I woke up I was feeling tired but pretty hyped up about getting at my back squats. If we didn’t have neighbors attached, I’d have done them at five o clock this morning while drinking my coffee.

When I felt it was late enough, I got changed and headed into the home gym to get my squats done. While warming up with just the bar, that even felt heavy today. As I added weight, it was feeling heavier. At the same time, the weight made them feel better. It usually feels a lot better for me to hold good positioning when I get some weight on the bar. That doesn’t mean I let things to hell with light weight. It’s just better to have more weight to press against.

Today was week two of the squats, so I had to do three or more reps. It’s also up there in weight, so I had two hundred and eighty-five pounds on the bar. That felt extremely crushing today, but I got my three reps. The first one felt and looked pretty easy. The second one wasn’t bad either. The third rep felt good to me and looked great, but I could feel the blood rushing to my face, and that surprised a little and threw me off some. That doesn’t normally happen, but I haven’t been playing with truly heavy weights in a few years until the past couple of months.

The video showed the squats looking great. That made this day 3even better because it was a tough weight to do on this day when it was feeling extra challenging. It’s always more important to me to move well with heavy weight than get an ugly extra rep or heavier weight.

I drank my protein and ate something. I took some time to relax and browsed Reddit and stuff like that. It was so nice out, so I even collected a little vitamin D since the sun was still out, unexpectedly. It was near 60℉ outside, so why not? The fresh air and sunshine always feel so good.

Around lunchtime, I decided to do a WOD. It was one with rowing and hang power snatches. I wanted to use the bar for it, but when I went to do a hang power snatch, my body was just shutting down. I think my legs were too tired from the squats and that was my body’s way of saying no. Put my bar away and skipped that WOD.

Since the WOD didn’t work out, I did one of Street Parking’s endurance rows. I went with the simple and straightforward five thousand meter one. My goal for this was to pace it in a way that I didn’t slow down or have to shake out. I did what I wanted and managed to not even have to get a drink. Sure, I could have used some water, and it was right next to me, but I wanted to avoid stopping. It felt good to get a longer workout in with a slightly lower heart rate.

Music today was Cytotoxin