My Lifts Were Pretty Heavy Today But Everything Felt Fucking Great!
I woke up at 4 am this morning pretty much ready to go. I had to weight to do my lifts until I got Brooke to the bus stop and the neighbors were awake in case of any excessive noise from the heavy weights.
First up were the back squats today at a nice heavy 235 pounds for three sets of five. I was feeling really good about them today for some reason. Maybe because they felt surprisingly easy the last session I did on Saturday but I was really looking forward to getting under the heavier weights. I knew the weight was going to be heavy but the squats felt easy and very explosive with no problems at all for me. Hell the bar was catching some air. I took my time on the working sets and forced myself three minutes of rest to make sure I recovered enough. I strongly considered doing the two extra sets since they felt so good but decided against that knowing I had the heavier deadlifts to do later in this lifting session.
Next I did my strict presses at 110 pounds. This is a moderate weight for me but today they felt easy so I did the two extra sets with no problems at all. On Saturday my arm protested the presses a bit but it didn’t do that at all today. I even held the lockout on the final rep of each set until I felt that I was going to drop it.
Lastly for my strength session today is deadlift day! I had to do my deadlifts at a pretty heavy 265 pounds. I took my time with my warm up sets and then allowed myself plenty of rest between the working reps to recover especially after those heavier squats earlier. I felt great with my deadlifts at the 265 pounds and even did five triples instead of the singles for some extra reps. The biggest and only issue I had with these was the fact that it’s been dry and that leaves my hands dry so it felt as if the knurling on the bar was tearing them up a bit. Grip wasn’t giving out at least. The lifts were all nice fast and explosive lifts and I never really felt as if I was close to failing.
It really was one of those great days in the home gym for me. It was nothing like the days have been recently where I’ve been feeling somewhat burned out and just trying to push through and get the work done. Today was one of those days where I thoroughly enjoyed my lifts and just was feeling good in general. I can’t deny the fact that I am mostly enjoying myself even on a bad day lifting in the garage but those days it can feel more like a chore between sets.
The WOD I did today was just row 72 calories and then do 50 sandbag power cleans. Quick and dirty. I had 8:57 for my time and I felt slow with both the row and the power cleans with the 50 pound sandbag. I think my legs are just tired. Normally I could do much bigger sets with the power cleans but today I kept having to take short breaks. Basically drop the bag and reset for a second if that.
Music today was Deeds Of Flesh