
Visually impaired fitness and everything else in this shit show.

My Strength Done And It Was Rough!

Today was one of those really challenging days. My body didn’t want to support any weight. I didn’t feel any connection to it and I am tired. I know these days are the days that can make me better though, so I fought through the weakness the best I could

The squats were a nice heavy 255 pounds. Even the warm up set at 135 felt crushing though so I knew it was gonna be tough. My knee opposite the ankle I managed to smash into a kettlebell handle was a bit achy to boot to make it even tougher. Per my video my knees weren’t caving or anything and it felt better as I moved more so I fought through it. 185 felt a little easier but still heavy. 235 felt heavy but manageable. The 255 just felt crushing but doable so I took longer rest than normal and fought through it.

The videos of the sets showed no reason why I shouldn’t fight through it. I wasn’t loosing position or anything like that. It was and is just a heavy weight. My legs feeling like dead weight didn’t help matters any nor did the fact that I feel tired and hungry. I managed to turn the last 3 of the third set of squats into solid pauses as my legs were screaming no. I got through them and they actually looked really solid.

The shoulder presses were a pretty heavy 120 pounds. I can go much heavier at these but sets kill me. I got through the three sets of five at the weight required so it’s all good. I wasn’t sure how these would go given how shoulder intensive yesterday’s WOD was but they went well so that’s a positive.

Dead lifts just weren’t really happening today. Shoulders are a bit wrecked from heavier sandbag WODS the past few days. I gave the 275 I was supposed to do today a fair attempt but didn’t press my luck. Dead lifts are not a lift that I am in anyway comfortable going through with heavier weights unless it feels just right.

Also I knocked out a quick but tougher than I expected it to be sandbag WOD today. I can’t cycle the 75 pound sand bag quite as fast as the 50 with cleans and such yet. That’s not really because of the weight. It’s more about the different size.

Today’s music was Einherjer.