Pretty Good Lightning From A Storm That Was Just Missing Us
It’s been a hot and very humid couple of days. Each day has featured thunderstorms and showers popping up but they have for the most part kept missing us. That’s a far cry from the past couple of years where if storms fired up it was over us or just before moving over us hence the flooding and nearly constant flash flood watches. This year they haven’t lined up with us.
Yesterday we had thunder as storms fired all around us but we only ended up with a little bit of drizzle. We did manage to get some rain over night but I don’t know how much. I just saw everything was wet in the morning. The only thing the storms have been doing is increasing the humidity to make it feel more miserable than it already is.
This evening we had a nice cluster fire up to our south but in the end it just missed us by a mile or two other than a little moderate rain. While the storm drifted from south to north just to our west we did get a nice temperature break from the heat and humidity as the cooling outflow wind blew over us. We were thinking we might not need the air conditioner but then the humidity rose up higher than it was pre storms.
At least we had a decent view of the occasional cloud to ground lightning to our west. It was basically straight vertical bolts rather than the zigzag ones you often see. Later on there were some nice cloud to cloud bolts as a new cell fired just to our north while the old one was drifting to our west. It wasn’t frequent or anything but it was visible on the side of the storm towards us without rain or other clouds in front of it once the outflow got out beyond us.