Lunges Again, Why Not?
We had a good bit of running around to do this morning. We had to return some stuff to a couple of stores then do our normal grocery shopping so we did that stuff as early as we could.
I did a rough WOD and did a LOT of stuff yesterday so I was debating whether I wanted to do a WOD at all but in the end I decided to give tomorrow’s sandbag WOD a shot.
It looked like it would be at least a somewhat challenging one for me so I wanted to see how it went. It was 100 sandbag on one shoulder lunges then 50 push up drags then 100 lunges with sandbag on other shoulder plus 50 more push up drags.
After yesterday’s brutal WOD it was a nice surprise that I got through the lunges without all that much difficulty at all. The first round I didn’t drop the sandbag until about 70 in and the second round (slightly weaker shoulder side) I started breaking them around 50 in. The lunges weren’t a problem at all. No stumbles or missteps. I just picked away at them as I could trying to teeter as close to failure as I could without actually hitting it. It was successful.
The push up plus drags were challenge but that’s mainly because it was such a big set. With upper body stuff it’s just so easy to hit complete failure not not be able to really recover. I paced them well and it didn’t happen so that was a good thing. The WOD was completed towards the lower end of the time goal range goal which really surprised me.
We went for two walks this evening. A longer one before supper then we went for a shot one after supper because I was so close to ten thousand steps. The second walk we got to near the train station at just about sunset and got an awesome picture