
Visually impaired fitness and everything else in this shit show.

Our Hardy Hibiscus Is Blooming Now

Last summer, we were walking through Hostetter’s garden center and noticed they had some hibiscus plants. The label said they were hardy and would be able to survive outside of our zone. I suggested I’d buy it, and we could plant it and give it a try. At worst, we would have nice flowers until it froze, and we got that when we planted it in the ground.

Sure enough, the label was telling the truth, and it came up this spring. For the past month or so, it’s been loaded with buds and, of course, leaves. The first flower opened last week, and the flowers were as large as we remembered.

This week, it has multiple flowers open at a time. I think today it has seven or eight of the large pink flowers. The leaves are mostly red when they’re mature, but the new ones are green. It is certainly nice to have some more color in the front yard.

Hardy Hibiscus Bloom

Flower in a hardy hibiscus plant. The flower is a large pink flower with a darker pink center.