High In The 60s Means Unwinding On The Patio After The WODS
I did the first WOD earlier. That was deadlifts and burpees. Not bad. The burpees slowed me down a decent amount do to space and not having room to trip over the bar safely. The deadlifts went really well. I chose 225 pounds for basically 4 a minute adding another burpee each minute and they felt light. I’m happy with that considering I haven’t been deadlifting or lifting anything heavy for that matter in a few months.
After that I went out on the patio to cool off like I normally do but there was nice sunshine with temperatures in the upper 50s. That felt great. It’s enough to give me spring fever. I mean if we’re not going to get snow it may as well be decently nice outside.
An hour or two later I did the sandbag which involved running so more time out side. After the dead lifting that whole WOD felt like my legs were in slow motion and the clock inferred the same. Still I moved and it felt good.
Really enjoyed some fresh air after that WOD though since it got in the the low sixties by then and the breeze all but stopped. I think I dozed off in the sun after that or at the very least zoned out.
Lots of birds out there chirping today. There is the one I hear all the time that does a lot of mimicking but I still haven’t figured out what kind it is. I hear it all the time but haven’t actually seen it yet.
Sometimes you really just have to enjoy the nice days life gives you because tomorrow isn’t a guarantee.