
Fitness and everything else

Tag: πŸ˜… Crossfit Open

Scaled Crossfit 21.2 WOD Done

This year I did not sign up for the CrossFit Open, but if the workouts aren’t completely dumb, and I can do them, I want to.


Crossfit 21.2 WOD In The Books

I signed up for the Crossfit open this year but I’m not officially logging it because I didn’t realize the video requirements before hand. I did 21.2 this morning.


Improvements Don't Always Have Numbers

Improvements don’t always have numbers. Every so often, it’s more about just how you feel doing a repeat WOD. Occasionally, it’s just being able to do something that you were unable to do in the past. It being time for the Crossfit Open reminded me of this thought.


Crossfit Open 20.1 In The Books

I am not officially signing up for the open but I am still going to do the WODs as a test. I got 20.1 done and in the books.



Yesterday in Crossfit we redid the 14.1 Crossfit open WOD I had a score of 98 this time around versus I think 70 from last year. My snatches were ugly back then. It really got me thinking about the improvements I’ve been making.
