
Fitness and everything else

Tag: Rowing

Deadlifts Felt Great On This First Humid Day Of The Spring

I slept pretty good last night, but it was humid. My deadlifts felt great, though.


Deadlifts And A Rowing Endurance WOD

I did my deadlifts this morning, and they felt pretty good. I went right into an endurance WOD using the rower after that.


Deadlifts Then An Endurance WOD

I slept great last night, and besides one brief twinge last night when I reached and twisted to flush the toilet, my core’s been fine I did my deadlifts then and an endurance WOD for something different.


Did A Longer Endurance WOD This Morning And It Felt Great

I woke up this morning feeling pretty good. It was one of those days when wanted to get something different in for a WOD, though. I thought a longer endurance WOD would be perfect.


Good Longer WOD

I have been wanting to do the WOD that Street Parking had programmed on Thanksgiving since it was posted. Last week I was feeling a bit off, so I held off in it since I knew it was going to be a longer one.


Lifting And A Good Longer Row

I got my lifting in today. Good with the heavy back squats but nope on the bench press. Right after that I jumped into and endurance WOD that turned out to be about ten thousand meters on the rower.


Rowed Another 10 Thousand Meters Today

I ended up attempting and completing another 10k row today. It felt good to get something longer in.


Our Concept2 Rower Was Worth Every Penny

Sometimes you find a product that costs more than others but it’s absolutely worth paying more. Our Concept 2 rower is a perfect example of one of those.


I Did It Again For 2020

I did it again! I rowed a half marathon for the end of the year. This year it was a bit slower after having COVID threw a wrench into my plants to get a few longer practice rows in.


Improvements Aren't Always Weights Or Times

Today I decided to do something different. I rowed ten thousand meters on the Concept 2 for the endurance WOD. It was a little slower than I had hoped but I never really pushed it either.


Last Fucking Stupid Idea Of 2019, Rowed a Half Marathon

Well I had one last fucking stupid idea for 2019. I rowed a half a marathon on the Concept 2 for new years eve day. It sucked but it’s great to be able to do hard things.


Starting To Row Longer Distances, Forgot About The Blisters

I have been wanting to get back into rowing for longer distances so I’ve started it back up. I forgot about the blisters on the fingers from that.


Back To Rowing

I’ve been trying to get my cardio back to where it was last winter. Last year I did a lot of rows and it did wonders for me.


Rowed A Half Marathon

I rowed a half marathon for the first time today. I wanted to do it for a while and decided today would be the day. I didn’t die but it was not very nice.
