
Visually impaired fitness and everything else in this shit show.

Tag: πŸ–§ Internet

Paying For Kagi For About Two Years Now

It has been just a bit over two years that I have been paying for Kagi Search. I’m still loving it and think it is a good investment.


Facebook Was Down Earlier Today

Facebook was down earlier today. I’d love to see the psotortem on how that occurred.


Printing Web Pages Sucks

Printing web pages really should be better than it is but it really does suck


Just Over A Year Paying For Kagi Search

I just realized that it has been just over a year since I’ve been paying for Kagi Search. Who would have guessed?


New Google Annoyance

I have been predominately using Kagi Search with great results. I just accidentally clicked on the old Google bookmark and saw yet another annoyance with the way they’ve changed to add to the list.


Saw Some Trucks Running Fiber On The Poles

I have been seeing trucks go back and forth. Yesterday I noticed that they had a fiber line strung along the ground. Let’s hope we’re getting someone to compete with Comcast.


Saw Some Trucks Running Fiber On The Poles

I have been seeing trucks go back and forth. Yesterday I noticed that they had a fiber line strung along the ground. Let’s hope we’re getting someone to compete with Comcast.


So Far So Good With Kagi Search

It’s no secret that I have been frustrated with Google Search’s decline in quality for a long time. I used DuckDuckGo For a while now, I am happy with Kagi after my first month as a paying user.


Checking Out Kagi Search

I have been using DuckDuckGo go mostly as my search engine for a while now. I saw Kagi Search mentioned recently and wanted to check it out. So far, so good.


Pretty Interesting Failed Assumption

I love when websites make assumptions and refuse to work for me. Today I tried to use one that assumed I was on mobile, I guess because of my window size. When I maximized the window, it would load.


Example Of The Power Of The Web

Growing up, I was always fascinated with how things work. There were countless times that I took things apart to try to understand, and I got my ass kicked for it.


If Your Website Wants Me To Confirm That I'm Human When Finding It From A Search Engine Its A Lost Sale

I have been noticing more often that websites are doing the annoying confirm that you’re a human thing. I’ve had a few store websites do that upon clicking from the search engine. That is a lost sale from me at least.


Asymmetrical Internet Connection

I am uploading all of my ripped CDs to an online backup. It’s really making me notice the difference between our upload and download speeds with our Comcast connection being asymmetric.


Both Verizon's And Comcast's Internet Seemed To Be Down

That’s unusual for here but Comcast’s internet was out a little bit ago. I tried falling back to my phone to see if I saw anything about it buy my Verizon internet seemed to be down too.


Why Do Website Over complicate things?

have been wondering why it is that so many websites seem to overcomplicate things. I think that dangers have contests to see how many clicks at can take to do normal things.


Websites Think My Address Is Invalid

Sometimes you come across a website that refuses to accept valid information. My address having a half in it is often a victim of that. Don’t use scripts to be smart if you can’t get it right.


I don't Understand Why Search Engines Continue To Show Sites Like Pinterest

I despise SEO with a passion. It brings up so many irrelevant websites for my search terms. Half of the ones that show up actually have the content behind a required login or worse yet behind a paywall. What ever happened to that being a big nope to Google?


Half Of The Internet Seems To Be Down

I noticed this morning that half of the internet seems to be down. It seems that one of the major backbones has shit the bed. Good example of a reason not to rely on everything being on the cloud without a local cache.


So Much Has Changed In Access To Information From When I Was Growing Up

So much has changed when it comes to access to information. Growing up we didn’t even have a phone because we were too poor. Now We have a cheap phone with instant access to nearly any information you could want at anytime you want.


Websites With Large Unhideable Headers

Another annoying design trend on website is the large unideable headers. They don’t scroll and sometimes take up a good portion of the screen space for no good reason at all other than some designer liking the idea.


When Websites Aren't As Smart As They Think They Are

Sometime you come across a website that refused to accept my valid address. Mail gets delivered here every day so it must be valid. fractions are allowable in addresses.


Reminded Of, A Great Website

On hackernews I saw a post that mentioned and I spent way too much time exploring the old text files on that site. When I first got on the internet I had downloaded a bunch of textfiles to learn things. I missed the BBS days since we didn’t have a computer with a modem or functioning phone for that matter.


It Would Be Nice If Pay Walled Sites Were Pushed Down In Search Results

I would be nice if paywalled websites could be pushed down in the search results. Even a filter would be great. That will never happen because there’s too much money involved.


Sometimes The Answer Is Simple

Every so often, the answer is simple. Long ago, I was helping someone with internet problems, only to eventually discover that they hadn’t paid the Comcast Bill. I was more annoying than you can imagine. Hours of my time I’ll never get back.


Been Using Mostly DuckDuckGo For A While Now

I’ve been using DuckDuckGo go as my go to search engine for quite a while now. Google has just gotten so bad with SEO spam. I’m happy enough with DDG working for me most of the time and sometimes better than Google.


Comcast's Email Sucks

It’s amazing to me how crappy Comcast’s email service is. It has taken over a week for me to get legitimate emaIls. Sending email through them is unreliable too.


Another Annoyance

I’ve been noticing a trend recently of websites having a pop-up over the content begging for your email address. Nothing worse than adding extra clicks.
